Hi đź‘‹,
I am Tanish Sharma

This is my design portfolio for Engineering Science at the University of Toronto.

Who am I?


I have been dedicating many years of my life to learning. After joining University, being a student has become a larger part of my identity as I spend almost my entire waking hours doing something related to school. I enjoy learning and I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow.


I chose to become an Engineer because Engineers are more invovled with the human society and actively influence and shape how communities live and operate. Therefore, I aspired to become an Engineer that creates a positive impact in people's lives.

Software Developer

I learned to code in grade eight in C and had my first internship as a web developer at a startup in the summer of grade nine. I became aware that coding is an essential 21st century skill and interacts with our lives in many ways. Since then, I have been writing code by participating in hackathons and working for startups. Being a software developer helps me in engineering as writing code makes me:
1. Have focus on details while remembering the overarching goals
2. Being methodical while working
3. Apply logical reasoning to solve problems

Engineering Design

As an engineer I follow and use Engineering design. So, what does these words mean?

My Skills


Take leadership roles within teams by taking initiative to start and help teammates plan their work.


Share and communicate information and ideas in an articulate way to help others understand my position.


Able to solve problems and write scripts to do tasks using various langauges: Python, C, C++, JavaScript, and Java.

My Values


"Keep me not in Darkness, but make me go towards Light " - Upanishads

I am pursuing Engineering Science at the University of Toronto because I value education and learning. I belive in learning and expanding my scope of knowledge. I belive that education transforms a person into an informed human being and thus a good citizen. An informed individual can make wise decisions for themselves, their families and their community.


I am an emphatatic person. I feel empathy for humans and animals alike. Due to these values I have volunteered many hours at a seniors residence trying to give emotional and physical support. I spend time there playing games and taking walks with the seniors. I feel bad for animals that are abused or not taken care of. That's why I have adopted a few dogs and I believe everyone should do their part by either supporting animal shelters or adopting a pet.


Sustainability is one of the values for my design team in the course Praxis II. Furthermore, I am passionate about environmental conservation and I believe good engineering practices can ensure that. I strongly believe that humans should mitigate their harmful actions in the environment to save the planet and its various habitats. Humans should respect the rich and diverse flora and fauna of the planet and try to reverse the destruction of habitats that they have caused.


Collaboration is an important skill in the workforce and in life. I am a team player and I try to do my team duties by completing tasks on time and going above and beyond my adding more quality work to my peer's work. I have enjoyed working in teams in the various settings I have been in: hackathons, robotics team, praixs I and praxis II courses.

My Biases

Positive Outcome bias

Expecting positive outcomes & dismissing negative ones

As an engineer I hope to create a positive impact in the world and the lives of many people. Therefore, I might be prone to forgetting that engineering can be used for harming lives of people and the environment such as working in the weapons and ammunition industry or the oil and gas industry.

Confirmation Bias

Accepting information that confirms preconceived beliefs

I am training towards being an engineer through school, where I learn and form beliefs and conception about things. However, in the real world I might come across things that might contradict what I learned. Therefore, I might be prone to accept and emphaize information that confirms my beliefs and ignore the ones that don't.

Authority Bias

Not evaluating external information & opinions

As a student I often readily accept a professor's or TA's words without extensive consideration or critical thought. This habit might carry over in my engineering career where a manager's or a senior engineer's words are accepted without critical thinking which might be detrimental to the project's or company's success since one's superior can make mistakes.

Grades driven Bias

Not evaluating external information & opinions

As a first year university student I often resort to route memorization rather than understanding the concepts to get high grades. This habit might carry over in my engineering career where I might not be able to think critically and solve problems in a creative way.

My Projects

Praxis I

Reducing the Discomfort of Retrieving Belongings from High Stools

Praxis II

Increasing foraging behavior in Gibbons at the Toronto Zoo

CIV102 Bridge

Matboard Bridge Design Project for CIV102 course. Bridge should withstand the maximum amount of load.


An intelligent automated emergency service respondent that identifies emergency responses as genuine or false. Hack the MIST 2023 Project.

Tune Turn

An Android app that tracks a musician's head to flip digital music sheets on a laptop or ipad. MakeUofT 2023 Project.


A wearable alarm device to prevent users from dozing off in unwanted situations and monitors heart rate. NewHacks 2022 Project.